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VoltSafe Marine Delivers Positive ROI to Marinas


VoltSafe is underway with an extensive pilot program that is already showing great traction with positive feedback from marinas. VoltSafe Marine hosts an array of benefits such as heat sensing capabilities, leakage detection, easy disconnect cord, and energy monitoring dashboard - all of which have already proven valuable to marinas. Here are some ways in which marinas can also see the financial benefits of installing this innovative shore power pedestal and intuitive energy management dashboard. 

Gain Efficiency with Remote Monitoring

Remote monitoring technology eliminates the need for manual inspections, drastically reducing the time and labour costs associated with traditional maintenance practices. As a result, it takes much less time to walk around the docks and inspect each pedestal, and then log work orders for maintenance and repairs. Marinas in the pilot test are using VoltSafe Marine’s energy management dashboard and an accompanying app for boaters. Marinas can choose to charge a fee for the accompanying app or provide it for free as a benefit. With the app, boaters will be able to communicate issues at their pedestal to the marina operator via the app. Issues that may arise could be anything from a disconnected plug or a notification to turn off an appliance due to overconsumption of power. Marina operators would receive the communication from the boaters via the dashboard and can either shut down the power to a pedestal if there is a danger of overheating. The pedestals also have a built-in heat sensor that would shut off power if there was an overdraw of power, preventing a potential fire and sends a notification to the marina operator via the dashboard. 

One marina operator actively participating in our pilot program recently expressed the difficulty he faces keeping track of all the work orders required to maintain and repair equipment. By the time he gets back to his desk, he gets stopped by other boaters with other issues, making it easy to forget some of these tasks. By collecting and analyzing real-time data, VoltSafe Marine’s dashboard will assist with tracking issues immediately and will notify the operator of maintenance and repairs required. Proactive maintenance not only improves operational efficiency, but also extends the lifespan of equipment, resulting in substantial long-term savings.   

Save on Insurance Costs by Lowering Liability

Integrating cutting-edge heat sensor technology into VoltSafe Marine's pedestal system represents a huge step forward in preventing damage that costs marinas a lot of money. In addition to constantly monitoring temperature fluctuations, VoltSafe Marine’s heat sensors can detect potential fire hazards before they escalate by detecting any abnormal rise in temperature due to an overdraw of power or electrical issue. The proactive approach minimizes the risk of catastrophic vessel damage and ensures the safety of both property and people. A marina currently piloting the system was saved from a potential fire when the boat owner went into town while leaving her appliances running. VoltSafe Marine’s heat sensor detected a rise in temperature from the overdraw of power and shut the power off. The boat owner returned, grateful to have been saved from losing her boat and the cost of any liability from the damage caused by a fire.

Another boater at a different marina sailed away from the dock and only realized that they had forgotten to disconnect the plug when they were well out on the water and saw the cord trailing in the ocean.  Luckily, VoltSafe Marine’s cord uses a state-of-the-art magnetic connection that disconnects at 40 pounds of pressure. Dock damage was averted as well as current leakage into the water. No harm done. 

Using VoltSafe Marine's technology, marinas can also detect current leakage into the water at the plug and outlet level, and prevent leakage from decrepit or sinking vessels. The pedestal's plug and outlet only transfers current when they are securely connected so once the pull force disconnects it, no more leakage will occur, keeping boaters and operators safe. In the event of a fire risk or concerns about current leakage, marina operators can also turn off the power at the pedestals remotely (and quickly) using the dashboard.

With VoltSafe Marine’s intrusive feature-set, and intuitive dashboard, marinas won't have to file as many fire, electric shock or dock damage claims. With reduced insurance claims, comes a reduction on insurance deductible costs and asset damage. The savings from the decrease in insurance claims will result in lowering premiums and liability costs. 


Fair Billing Saves Costs (and Headaches)

By monitoring power consumption and facilitating fair charging for energy consumption per vessel, VoltSafe Marine provides marinas with a cost-saving solution. With VoltSafe's advanced metering and monitoring technology, marina operators can gain insights into usage patterns and identify areas for optimization through off-peak consumption. Marinas should see a 15-25% in energy savings costs. The savings in electricity alone will more than pay for the cost of VoltSafe’s dashboard. For example, the costs of energy consumption across marinas has been reported to total more than $1B. The potential cost savings per annum with the VoltSafe Marine pedestal system would average around $3 million. Using actual usage data, VoltSafe Marine also ensures that every customer pays for the electricity they consume, eliminating discrepancies and promoting fair billing practices. In addition to fostering trust and satisfaction among marina patrons, this transparent approach also optimizes revenue generation for marina operators. As an example, another marina piloting VoltSafe Marine discovered that some vessels were using $70 worth of power - this is not close to being covered by the marina's $30 flat fee.

The team at VoltSafe is happy to hear that marina owners, operators and boaters are all seeing the benefits of the VoltSafe Marine firsthand. The system is actively demonstrating it can deliver a positive return on the investment almost effortlessly. We’re eagerly awaiting more feedback as marina operators get even more familiar with integrating the VoltSafe Marine dashboard and pedestal into their operations. To learn more about VoltSafe Marine and our flagship technology behind the most innovative shore power ecosystem, follow us on social, or email us at

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